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After the case of Alexandra Ivanov, Rafila wants to establish an authority to check how medical services are provided / How it would work

The Minister of Health, Alexandru Rafila, wants to establish a national authority to check the way in which medical services are carried out and provided, after Alexandra Ivanov was left to die for days by doctors, who did not intervene. “If you refuse to do your duty as a doctor, we are not discussing malpractice, but something else,” said Rafila.

Protest for AlexandraPhoto: AGERPRES

  • “Malpractice means that you did a medical activity that was inappropriate. But if you refuse to do your duty as a doctor, then we are not discussing malpractice, we are discussing something else. As I told you after the Botoşani incident, tragic and I am absolutely terrified of the pain of that family that lost the mother of some children, who was not given medical assistance, I want to find a formula in which there is an authority at national level to verify the way in which medical services are provided”, Alexandru Rafila declared on Sunday, in a press conference, according to

How would this authority that checks how healthcare is delivered work

  • “This authority, from my point of view, must include representatives of the Ministry of Health. The legal levers that I have found and that you know at the Ministry of Health, in terms of medical activity, are summed up in the State Sanitary Inspection, which verifies compliance with the hygienic-sanitary conditions in hospitals, or here we discuss everything and with everything else. And then we have to find the legislative mechanism that allows the action of the Ministry of Health, which is perceived publicly and is ultimately correct, to be responsible for the way in which medical assistance is provided, to make a real partnership with the College of Doctors and with the county colleges in within this authority, with the National Authority for Health Quality, because we had discussions with Mr. President and we are trying to change the principles of operation together. They must change them, they are subordinate to the General Secretariat of the Government, they are not subordinate to the Ministry of Health. We must accredit medical services that are actually provided. We do not have to certify hypothetical medical services. And of course with the payer, the payer being the National House and the County Health Insurance Houses”, said Alexandru Rafila.

He also added that the ministry will come next month with such a project.

  • “I assure you that we will come in the next month with a consistent project, that will generate a body, I don’t know if it will be called authority or it will be called in another way, it doesn’t matter what it will be called, the important thing is to give a lever that to be able to effectively verify the way medical services are provided, to be able to grant sanctions that may be financial or of another nature, to those who refuse to provide medical services to the population, surely, in a framework of respect”, the Minister of Health also declared .

What Rafila says about the physical and verbal assault of the medical staff

  • “And here I would like to insist, because very often the medical body is attacked, it is attacked verbally, it is attacked physically. These things have to stop, because, after all, a doctor or nurse working in an emergency department cannot provide medical care to patients if they are assaulted, if they are followed, if they are insulted or threatened. These things have to stop, because otherwise we are turning into something other than a European medical system. We advocate for both aspects so that there is a balance. We cannot endlessly incriminate the medical personnel and forget that there are many situations in which the medical personnel are prevented in various ways from exercising their activity”, explained the Minister of Health.

We remind you that Alexandra Ivanov, a 25-year-old woman, died on August 18, almost nine hours after being admitted to the Botoşani Maternity Hospital. She was three months pregnant and arrived at the hospital on August 17, around 11:30 p.m., after complaining of pain and hemorrhage.

After she underwent a set of tests and was given an infusion, the medical staff ignored her all night. The next morning, her health worsened considerably, and she died in the Anesthesia – Intensive Care Unit.

Read also:

The suspicious doctor in the case of the dead pregnant woman from Botoșani moved his wealth secretly. The family demands the arrest of the woman

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