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After the chaos in La Terminal due to the cut in buses between La Plata and Capital: companies are sanctioned

The National Transport Regulation Commission (CNRT) will apply sanctions to urban public transport companies “for non-compliance with services and frequency”.

In a statement, they indicated that “due to the total interruption of Line 195 and the reduction of services of Line 194 and 129, for this Thursday, March 30, the National Transport Regulation Commission (CNRT), an agency of the Ministry of Transportation, carried out sanction acts for non-compliance with Article 83 of Decree No. 1395/1998 that establishes the services and their frequencies of the lines of national jurisdiction”.

“Said article by which the CNRT is governed, specifies that in the event of a violation of the daily regime of daytime and nighttime frequencies in public urban passenger transport services, the sanctions could be fines of up to $556,500,” they added.

They also indicated that “transport users can make their claims by contacting the CNRT toll-free telephone line at 0800-333-0300 or do it virtually at”

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