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After the coalition committee: Emilia Fester settles accounts with Lindner and Scholz

Emilia Fester (Greens) is hard on the FDP and asks the question: does the traffic light still make sense?Bild: IMAGO/Political-Moments / imago images


The coalition agreement of the traffic light caused a lot of criticism – especially when it comes to decisions on climate protection. A solution to the constant noise at the traffic lights should finally be found. Especially for the accumulated problems between the Greens and Transport Minister Volker Wissing (FDP).

Now the Green politician Emilia Fester speaks up. She is harsh with Finance Minister Christian Lindner (FDP) and Chancellor Olaf Scholz (SPD). She asks herself whether the traffic light can still be continued in this form. Fester accuses Lindner of mood-mongering.

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Firmer reports Finance Minister Lindner “Framing”

On Instagram she writes in her stories:

“With his framing and his behavior, Lindner does not advertise his own content or his party, but tries to turn green supporters against us.”

Green politician Emilia Fester did not leave a good hair on her coalition partners.picture: instagram/emilia fester

In doing so, the Green politician believes that he is harming the common fight for climate-friendly, generation-fair politics. She emphasizes that climate protection in traffic lights is and will remain a “tough fight.”

Fester highlights the small successes of the Greens

According to Fester, the softening of the climate protection law, the motorway projects and the insistence on e-fuels are a disaster. According to her, it shows the opposite of what the Greens stood for. But Fester doesn’t want to see everything as black either. Because: “We shouldn’t go completely to rubble with the results of this coalition committee,” she writes. She goes into the following points in more detail:

  • Sector targets and annual reports: According to Fester, deleting these points was already lost in the coalition agreement. The fact that large parts of the transparent procedure have been preserved in the paper on the coalition committee is a success for the Greens.
  • Motorways: According to Fester, there will be no new highways, only expansion or rehabilitation projects. The Greens will not support that, even if the FDP wishes otherwise, she says.
  • E-Fuels: “Writing a word 16 times in a coalition paper doesn’t make it any more meaningful,” Fester writes. But it is something that the FDP could be given in return for strong reforms for natural climate protection or the truck toll.

Fester accuses Lindner and Scholz of “unambitious climate protection”.

Next throws the Green politician FDP “demoralization” – an “evil game against us all”. For Fester it is clear: Chancellor Olaf Scholz (SPD) and the FDP are by no means indifferent to climate protection. “Rather, unambitious climate protection seems to be her program,” she says. It seems as if they want to “demoralize us” and demobilize the advocates of strong climate protection.

Emilia Fester accuses the FDP of “playing a bad game”picture: instagram/emilia fester

In the negotiations put the maximum, what with SPD and FDP is possible or even impossible. For her it is important to emphasize what the Greens could win in this case. In most debates, “we’re two to one here,” she writes. That’s the really bitter realization. Can the traffic light go on like this? Does all this still make sense?

Fester makes a judgment for the future of traffic lights

A question that gives Fester sleepless nights, as she writes. It is also part of the demoralization of others. After all, the FDP is currently losing many state elections. According to Fester, she now reacts with “defiance and an instinct to flee”. According to her, the liberals themselves cannot leave the traffic lights. “So she’s acting completely absurd to blame us,” Fester says.

Nevertheless, letting the traffic light burst now is not an alternative either, writes the Green politician. The next “unambitious grand coalition” or “incapable minority government” would probably follow. She feels a great responsibility to pay tribute to this great lack of alternatives – that’s why the Greens have to keep fighting now.

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