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After the fair in January, justice will reactivate causes of strong political impact

On Wednesday, February 1, the Justice resumes activity after the January recess and the entire political arc is closely watching the resolutions it makes around the causes that involve the ruling party and the opposition, and Vice President Cristina Kirchner. And we must not forget that all the activity takes place while the Impeachment of the members of the Supreme Court is taking place.

Both in the opposition and in part of the ruling party, They rule out that the Impeachment process has a chance of prospering, but they do agree that the scenario will be one of tensions and disputes between both sides of the rift. And as a background to the activity of the Justicethe presidential elections for which the ruling party and the opposition must define their candidates.

Supreme Court of Justice of the Nation. Source: (The Nation)

The eyes of politics will be on the Supreme Court, which must resolve two cases that keep the government and the opposition at odds. One is due to the partnership, between the national government of Alberto Fernández and the city government with Horacio Rodríguez Larreta, which lit the fuse for the Political Trial that Deputies are dealing with these days.

The other definition of Justice that they expect in the political arena is on one of the benches in the Advice of the Nation’s Magistracy that corresponds to the Senate, for which the ruling party proposed to Martín Doñate and the opposition to the Cordovan Luis Juez. As long as that decision is not made, the Body that appoints the judges cannot function.

Judges of the Supreme Court of Justice of the nation. Source: (Supreme Court)

The other files that generate expectation are those processed by the courts of Comodoro Py, and which directly compromise Cristina Kirchner. In one, The Chamber of Cassation must resolve the confirmation or revocation of the dismissal of the vice president in the cases “Los sauces-Hotesur”, and for the “memorandum of understanding with Iran”.

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