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After the fatal incident at the Brandenburg Gate in Berlin: Working group to develop further protective measures for Pariser Platz

After the deadly incident with a car at the Brandenburg Gate in Berlin, the Senate and the police want to protect the place even better. It will now be examined what further protective measures are possible there, said Interior Senator Iris Spranger (SPD) on Monday in the Interior Committee of the House of Representatives. She does not want to set up bollards on the driveways. “That’s not necessarily my goal,” Spranger said. But there are other options.

Police President Barbara Slowik also emphasized that the place is suitable for more protective measures because of its high symbolic power. “There are possibilities far beyond bollards. For example street furniture that provides a large amount of protection against being run over and is also very attractive and useful.” This is now being discussed in a working group.

On January 15, a 26-year-old man drove a car at high speed towards the gate and crashed into a pillar. He was recovered dead from the crashed car. Spranger said investigations into the cause of the incident were still ongoing. According to the current status, suicide cannot be ruled out. “All signs point to that.” (dpa)

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