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After the fateful fire, they evaluate the impact and solutions for the Mafissa property

The environmental impact it can have the fire registered on Sunday in the Manufacture of Synthetic Fibers SA (Mafissa)the textile factory located in the town of La Plata Lisandro Olmoscontinues to be a cause of extreme concern among the Buenos Aires authorities that, in the last few hours, they began an investigation work in the place to measure its scope.

According to the first surveys, the incident occurred in the open-air waste collection sector. And it is in that place where specialized personnel together with the technical team of the Ecological Police and Dangerous Substances of the Buenos Aires Police began to carry out the “environmental impact study and correction of the contingency.”

As reported to the great magnitude of the flames, More than 20 official and volunteer firefighters from the towns of Abasto, Melchor Romero, Berisso, Ensenada and San Carlos went to the 44 depots between 184 and 185.

Within this framework, in a previous report carried out by the researchers, they began to determine what were the wastes that were burned within the property and if they imply a risk to the health of the neighbors and the environment.

In this context, spokespersons for Civil Protection of La Plata announced that “Everything would indicate that it is polyester”. That will be what the specialists will try to confirm or rule out now, since if that was the material that was consumed, “It would not be a toxic contaminant for the soil and it will only be necessary to evaluate the impact on the air”.


According to the first details, the flames originated in a five-hectare property, bordering Mafissa, which spread to the land where the building is.

“The fire originated in the early hours of Sunday afternoon. It started as a burning of pastures but given the drought and the high temperature, the focus quickly advanced in the direction of some open-air deposits of plastic and bagged materials. That’s why black smoke is a material that is difficult to cool and complex to work with,” he explained to this outlet. Leonardo Roldandirector of Civil Protection of La Plata.

It should be remembered that the factory had already suffered a fire on March 19, 2018. On that occasion, some 25 crews worked more than 12 hours to contain the flames and many others to cool the area and avoid new sources.

As is known, 80% of the raw material used by the national textile industry was manufactured on the industrial property: polyester fibers and yarns used to make jackets, diapers, slippers, feminine protectors and T-shirts, among other garments and accessories for different processes and industrial applications.

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