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After the fire and the controversy: why was the Mafissa factory closed?

The repercussions of what was andhe tremendous fire on the premises of the Mafissa factoryand the controversy generated around the fact for the reasons that led to the origin of the flames and everything that could have happened if the fire was not controlled in time.

In this context, during the last hours, officers of the Directorate of Ecological Prevention and Dangerous Substances of the Ministry of Security they closed the textile factory, Manufacture of Synthetic Fibers SAlocated at 44 and 184, Lisandro Olmos.

Police personnel reportedly company, accompanied by municipal agents, held a meeting with representatives of the company and their lawyers. From what was revealed, the main reason for the closure is the enormous amount of toxic waste that the factory discarded within its own property. This did not comply with any of the regulations and was precisely the disposal site where the fire started on January 9.

Once its closure was decided, the uniformed officers placed numbered seals on the tape machines and closing strip, with the aim of intimidating the total removal of waste left by the fire.

As reported by, due to the great magnitude of the flames, more than 20 official and volunteer firefighters from the towns of Abasto, Melchor Romero, Berisso, Ensenada and San Carlos they went to the deposits of 44 between 184 and 185.

The experts indicated that the incident occurred in the open-air waste collection sector. And it is in that place where specialized personnel together with the technical team of the Ecological Police and Dangerous Substances of the Buenos Aires Police began to carry out the “environmental impact study and correction of the contingency”, which also helped to make the decision of the closure.

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