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After the meeting with the CGT, Larreta promised to “modernize the labor system”

The Buenos Aires head of government indicated that businesses do not currently take employees “because it gives panic.” “Customs have changed,” he said.

By iProfessional

04/05/2023 – 13,52hs

The head of the Buenos Aires government, Horacio Rodriguez Larretasaid that if he is elected president, he will “modernize the labor system and end, above all, with the trial industry”, after yesterday he held a meeting with representatives of the General Confederation of Labor (CGT).

In addition, the presidential candidate of Pro indicated that businesses do not currently hire employees “because it panics”.

When asked several times about the meeting he had with the labor union and the possibility of a labor reform, Rodríguez Larreta avoided speaking specifically in those terms.

“The labor system must be updated. Customs have changed. We must adapt to a labor system that promotes constant training, that recognizes merit,” said the official accompanied by the Chief of Staff, Felipe Miguel; and the Minister of Treasury and Finance, Martín Mura.

What the CGT had said about the labor reform

The General Confederation of Labor (CGT) celebrated on May 1 with an act where he once again urged the ruling class to recover the definitive course towards “development, production and work”. Within this framework, they insisted on the need to convene a great “political, economic and social agreement”, while trying to give a couple of political signals with criticism of the opposition sectors that propose labor, pension and health reform; the outright rejection of dollarization proposed by Javier Milei and rediscussing the agreement with the International Monetary Fund (IMF)

Although the absence of one of the General Secretaries of the labor union, Pablo Moyano, was notorious, the presence of the leader of the Truckers, Hugo Moyano, is in line with the idea of ​​”unity” that the organized labor movement wants to give. It is also necessary to highlight the message sent by Sergio Massawhom most of the leaders see as the candidate of the Frente de Todos and organizer of the ruling party.

During the act for Labor Day, the CGT rejected a labor reform

With the participation of all the spaces that make up the board of directors (Gordos, Independientes and Barrionuevistas), the CGT said that on the 40th anniversary of the democratic recovery, we are convinced that with medium and long-term development policies we will be able to get out of the short-term perspective that plunges us into the emergency trap so as not to think about the future” and added that “it is certainly necessary to attend to the needs of today and now, which plunge large sectors of our society into the scourges of exclusion and poverty”.

He argued that “a great agreement must be put in place that promotes and strengthens a true and permanent alliance between production and work, the only sustainable formula to guarantee inclusive growth with social justice. We need to recover the desires that true democracy must represent” .

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