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Afterglow: how does this celestial phenomenon come about?

  • afterglow: emergence the red coloring
  • amplifying effects
  • Peasant rules to the evening place
  • Normal sky phenomenon

the red coloring of the sky in the morning and evening hours has always been considered very romantic and particularly. The partly intense coloring of the sky is not that special and is based on simple physics. Just like them blueness of the day sky the redness of the evening and morning sky can be combined with the refraction that emitted by the sun light in the earth atmosphere to explain.

Afterglow – the emergence of the red coloration

the red coloring of the sky can only at low position of the sun develop. Is the sun near horizonmeet those emitted by the sun light waves at a low angle to the the atmosphere. The path of the light rays is therefore longer and there is increased refraction and reflection of the light.

Investigations have shown that the special coloring of the sky is usually due to the position of the sun between 8° below and 6° above of the horizon arises. In this corridor, a large part of the blue and violet Light spectrum of oxygen and nitrogen molecules in the atmosphere reflected. This does not pass through the atmosphere. the orange and red proportion of the light spectrum, on the other hand scattered. This effect will Rayleigh scattering called and is the reason for the partly deep red morning and evening skies.

The same physical process is responsible for the fact that you heaven during the day as blue perceive stands the Sun high on the horizon, the full spectrum of light emitted by the sun strikes in steep angle on the atmosphere. As a result of the shorter path through the atmosphere, mainly the blue part is scattered – this is how it appears Sky blue.

Amplifying Effects

The morning and evening coloring of the sky can quite different dimensions assume and not only depends on position of the sun away. Other factorswhich are primarily responsible for the emergence and development of the phenomenon Dust, water particles and other suspended matter in the air.

If there are many dust or water particles in the lower atmosphere, the incoming red component of the light scattered will and meet your eyes. In extreme cases it can whole sky in one deep red hue to appear. Also the Clouds affect the coloring. Ideally that is Horizon clear of clouds and the rest of the sky cloudy. Then the red is also on the undersides of the clouds scattered.

Since that weather unpredictable is, are dawn and dusk not to predict. The effects can regional be very different and depend on many factors away. Particularly intensive is the phenomenon in areas where big air pollution prevails.

Peasant rules at sunset

You’re sure the pawn rule “Afterglow, Good Weather Bot'” known, which is on the lips of many at the sight of the red evening sky. It’s an old saying that certainly some truth to it is. At least in the middle latitudes the northern hemisphere.

Since the general weather conditions in Central Europe and thus also in Germany are primarily west wind influence stands, you usually see in the west “the rising weather”. Is the western one Horizon clear of clouds and can therefore turn red at sunset, is in the next few hours not with severe storms to reckon with. The probability of bad weather is therefore lower with a red evening sky.

the pawn rule is as very general to see and not generally valid. It only applies to specific regions in the world and only to a limited extent. Turns the wind on another direction, she loses her validitysince the air currents that strongly influence the weather do not affect the weather conditions from the west.


The discoloration of the morning and evening sky is on quite normal phenomenonthe all around the world is to be observed. The manifestation of the phenomenon depends on different factors away. If the horizon is free of clouds, the coloring occurs shortly before until shortly after sunrise or sunset. air pollution, water molecules in the air and type and amount of Clouds can amplify or weaken the phenomenon. Does the sun go over you completely cloudy sky on, the phenomenon cannot arise. Because of the many factors that can cause intense sunset or morning red, the phenomenon is difficult to predict.

Dawn and dusk show how beautiful the earth and how unpredictable the weather on our planet can be. Artists have always been enthusiastic about the celestial phenomenon. the special mood invites you to dream and helps many to let go of the stressful everyday life.

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