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Against humidity in the house try this grandmother’s remedy. It costs less than €3!

Against humidity in the house try this

Humidity is a very common problem, especially in winter and especially in the bathroom. As with many similar situations, prevention is better than cure. Fixing the problem upfront will save you from having to remove the mold later. To do this, you don’t necessarily need expensive and bulky dehumidifiers. With a few euros you will solve the problem and now we will explain how to do it.

Mold forms when there is between 65% and 95% humidity in the room. This is why it is essential to intervene promptly and prevent the condensation from continuing to feed the spores of this hateful fungus.

Mold forms when there is between 65% and 95% humidity in the

How to get rid of humidity in the bathroom in winter

We will show you the quick fix shortly for have in the bathroom a level of tolerable humidity. Meanwhile, there are some good habits that can help you prevent mold. First of all, remember to aerate frequently the bathroom (just open the window for a few minutes, several times a day). If you have to take a shower, ideally i warm ups they were turned onin order to avoid the thermal shock of the steam on the cold surfaces. Remember then to dry always wet surfaces and of close the tablet of water before flushing (this will reduce the number of water particles flying around the room). In the end, avoid the paints washable for the bathroom walls (even if the interior designer suggested them), since they are not breathable and this makes them friends of mould.

Against humidity in the house try this natural remedy

We come to us! Among the natural remedies you will surely know the one of to put a cup of bicarbonate on sill of the window. This it will help you reduce the humidity in the room and you will notice it because over time the powder will harden, having absorbed all the humidity from the bathroom. When this occurs, it means it’s time to replace the old baking soda with fresh one. Apart from this grandmother’s remedy, however, there is another one that you may not know. Take a glass with salt and vinegar and place it on the windowsill – this compound will absorb all the humidity that forms in the bath (whether it is based on iodized salt or not). Some plants such as aloe vera, bamboo or ferns are also good allies against condensation.

In addition to bicarbonate, salt and are also effective

How to dehumidify the house naturally

If you’re more of a dehumidifiersyou can always make one do-it-yourself. Take a bowlone net tightly meshed and a elastic. Fill the basin of salt and baking soda, cover with the net and seal everything with the rubber band. Now you just have to place your home dehumidifier in the area most prone to condensation accumulation. Against humidity in the house, try this wonderful remedy and say goodbye to mold and spores forever. Grandma’s word!

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