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Against Russian censorship: Newspaper hides war info in Counter-Strike

More than a year has passed since the start of the Russian war of aggression in Ukraine. While there were a large number of reports about the situation in the Ukraine during this time in German-speaking countries, it is much more difficult for the Russian population to obtain actual information about the war. Again and again bizarre propaganda appears from the Russian Federation, which confirms this very impression. Nevertheless, there are actions to counter this amount of misinformation. One of these projects, which Der Spiegel recently reported on, is attached Counter Strike together.

Against Russian censorship using Counter-Strike

The Finnish newspaper “Helsingin Sanomat” is explicitly responsible for the action. Opposite the news agency AFP Editor-in-Chief Antero Mukka explained that both Helsingin Sanomat and other foreign independent media will be blocked in Russia. However, online games are not prohibited.

So we built a Slavic town called Vojna, which means war in Russian“, says Mukka. Here, the possibility of the shooter to create and publish custom maps was used. The basement of a building in the city plays a central role. Here the players can find reports that the newspaper’s war correspondents in of Ukraine, which were placed there in Russian, and there are numerous photos and articles in the room, for example on the massacres in the Ukrainian cities of Bucha and Irpin.

The Spiegel article also mentions that the map has apparently been downloaded more than 2000 times to date. “This shows that any attempt to prevent the flow of information and mislead the public is doomed to failure in our modern world” said the editor-in-chief.

Source: Mirror

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