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Agustín Rossi attacked Pichetto for his controversial sayings: "It is inadmissible"

Although they were in the same space, as parliamentary referents of Kirchnerism in Congress, that time was far away after Miguel Ángel Pichetto’s conversion to macrismo and for this reason the differences with Agustín Rossi grew larger.

However, that distance crossed a limit in the last hours because Pichetto showed the worst face of the Macrista right with his homophobic attack against Ayelén Mazzina, the head of the Ministry of Women, Gender and Diversity.

“She is a lesbian, they could have put a woman,” considered the PRO leaders. “She is in the hands of a girl who is a lesbian,” he added of the Ministry.

Agustin Rossi’s tweet

“My solidarity with Ayelen Mazzina, our Minister of Women, Gender and Diversity in the face of Pichetto’s disqualifying statements,” said Chief of Staff Agustín Rossi.

“Inadmissible in an Argentina that makes respect for sexual diversity a basic human right,” added Rossi.

Agustin Rossi’s tweet

“Miguel Pichetto’s subsequent clarifications, based on his praised participation as President of the Senators’ Block of the Front for Victory at the time of approving the Equal Marriage Law, do not annul his unfortunate expressions,” the official remarked.

Agustin Rossi’s tweet
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