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AI: artificial intelligence artists in court

The days go by and the AI ​​is still talked about this time because of the artistic versions that go through the courts.

It probably didn’t escape you, but currently AI is on everyone’s lips, especially with ChatGPT, which seems to be causing problems for many people, including universities. In the artistic world, artists are desperate to see the proliferation of “works” made by AI, such as Stable Diffusion and Midjourney in particular. This is why a collective wanted to strike hard and file a complaint in court against these two “software”. But will it succeed?

A complaint against AI

Indeed the artists accuse the two AIs of violating copyrights by using billions of images to create content. They are Sarah Andersen, Kelly McKernan and Karla Ortiz who have the support of the law firm Joseph Saveri and lawyer Matthew Butterick. The girl trio accuses the programs of violating the copyrights of “several million artistsIn this context attorney Matthew Butterick states:

AI has the ability toflood the market with an essentially unlimited number of violating images rights, inflicting permanent damage to art and artists in the marketplace.

It remains to be seen now what the response of the creators of the AIs will be. Note that the very serious The Verge contacted them to try to obtain a reaction and explanations. That’s all we know for now. Because after all, and until proven otherwise, behind artificial intelligence there are still men and it is they who must be accountable to artists. Further proof that this technology is likely to cause many problems in the future and that society will have to establish strict and clear legal rules against it. For the common good.

What do you think of this collective complaint against artificial intelligence artists? Do you think this is copyright infringement?

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