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AI Demonstrates What Celebrity Resumes Would Look Like

  • Artificial intelligence (AI) is a term coined by Stanford professor John McCarthy in 1956.

  • Google and Baidu have joined the technology that offers GPT Chat.

  • Machine learning is a type of AI that allows computers to learn without human help.

artificial intelligence (AI) surprises once again, as it has shown how the resumes of businessmen and celebrities such as Elon Musk, Bill Gates, Britney Spears, Jeff Bezos, among many more, there are more than 1000 examples of CVthere is even a search engine to be able to consult someone in particular, this has also been achieved with the help of another intelligence technological what is he chat GPT.

This year, the AI and the chat GPT are promoting the development of new functions, and large companies have decided to implement this strategy, since it has a lot to offer, such is the case of Google who recently introduced “sparrow“, his ChatGPT which would work as a ‘bot‘ and would have the ability to answer certain questions and thus create conversations with humans instantly. Likewise, the famous Chinese search engine “Baidu“,preparing his version of this powerful tool, as he plans to release his chatbot of artificial intelligence for the month of March; however, it also claims to integrate it into its search engine.

Machine learning, a type of AI, allows computers to learn without human assistance, is one of the most outstanding intelligences. According to certain registered data, until mid-June 2019 the investment in learning automatic amounted to more than 45 billion dollars between applications and related platforms, obviously this figure will increase.

AI demonstrates what the resumes famous

The AI and the chat GPT They are mainly characterized by helping to perform a wide variety of tasks “human“This has its good side and its disadvantages, because clearly you are intelligences they are the key to help, optimize and facilitate certain processes; however, this could harm certain workers who could be replaced by these technological tools.

A web page presented a wide variety of resumes of businessmen and celebrities, this was achieved with the help of ChatGPT, because his task was to write the resumes with the information of at least 1000 famous people, later a review was made human to detect that everything was in order, there is also a search engine to find the CV of any particular person.

On this website you can see a wide variety of resumes where the data of a famous person is shown, in addition to their strengths, photography, education, achievements, abilities, among other things.

These examples of resumes of celebrities have a goal that is to be a template example so that people can be inspired and transcribe their own information.

The website is called thisresumedoesnotexist.comwhich followed the line of and other clones that have been made over time.

Bill Gates Resume

On this page, there are not only resumesbut also cover letter examples that anyone could use with their own personal information.

Elon Musk cover letter

artificial intelligence (AI) and the chat GPT they have shown just a little bit of what they can offer, so obviously they will continue to innovate for the next few years, they are expected to have significant growth. More and more companies are deciding to join this technology, such is the case of the BuzzFeed recently announced that it will implement the use of the ChatGPT to improve their articles, with the objective of carrying out questionnaires and that these have personalized answers for each user. However, these decisions could affect certain industry employees.

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