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AI service center in Potsdam under construction – Difficult personnel search

A new service center with IT specialists in Potsdam wants to support administrations and companies in the use of artificial intelligence (AI) from this spring. The facility is funded by the Federal Ministry of Research and is currently being set up at the Hasso Plattner Institute. It is one of four AI service centers in Germany that promote AI research and its transfer into practice.

Training and workshops should start in the spring, said the head of the service center and professor at the Hasso Plattner Institute, Holger Karl, the German Press Agency. First of all, additional staff is needed. The service center will have a total of 16 positions. “That’s the bottleneck at the moment,” said Karl, referring to the difficult search for skilled workers.

Among other things, the center can also make offers for beginners in the field of AI and machine learning. “We are open to everyone,” said Karl, who is also head of the “Internet Technologies and Softwareization” department at the Hasso Plattner Institute. Small and medium-sized companies, administrations and research institutions in Brandenburg and beyond could turn to the Hasso Plattner Institute.

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There may still be uncertainties due to longer delivery times, for example for necessary hardware components for machine learning. The head of the facility, Karl, said about the schedule: From the third quarter to the end of the year at the latest, test installations and “proofs of concepts” should then also be able to be developed. These are prototypes to test whether ideas can also be implemented in practice. The service center will provide an environment for experimentation.

The plan is to offer the new facility by the end of 2025. Karl did not estimate how great the demand would be. Research on artificial intelligence also plays a major role at the University of Potsdam.

According to a survey by the digital association Bitkom from 2022, many companies are avoiding AI. The proportion of companies for whose business artificial intelligence was not an issue was 64 percent. Investments in new technologies and AI-supported business models too often fall by the wayside, the Bitkom association said in September 2022. He pointed out that rising energy costs, high inflation rates and disrupted supply chains were affecting the economy.

For jobs and job offers in the IT industry, see also the job market on heise online:


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