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Aina, Djidji and Adopo, Vagnati’s message is clear: no auctions, only those who are convinced remain

Vagnati on the players in the scandal: “There are many players in the world, if someone doesn’t renew we’ll go get another”

There are many points that Davide Vagnati touched on the sidelines of the presentation of the special jersey for the ten-year partnership with Suzuki, among these there is also the issue of expiring player renewals. “For contracts and extensions, we are talking to whoever we think is right to talk to, we mustn’t force people, we are Torino, whoever wants to stay must be available – declared the dt grenade- Who has a hesitation? There are so many players in the world, I’m not scared or afraid for those who are about to expire. We are talking to those who are interested in us, if there weren’t a positive result we would go and get others”. A very strong and clear message therefore the one launched by the manager of the technical area of ​​Turin, but who was it directed to? The players expiring at the end of the season are Ola AinaKoffi Djidji and Michael Later. There would also be Yann Karamoh and Luca Gemello, but the negotiations in this case proceed differently, as Torino has an option for automatic renewal.

Turin transfer market: the point on renewals

The player with whom the grenade club keeps talking is Michel Later. Player with huge growth margins who became a “star” after the goal scored against Milan at San Siro in the Italian Cup and midfielder on whom Toro wants to bet for an ever more radiant future together. While, when Vagnati talks about players not to be forced he is most likely referring to Koffi Djidji and Ola Aina, two elements that in recent months have shown more than hesitation when thinking about whether to continue their career at Toro. The two grenades, however the story linked to their future will end, renewal or not, will always have to be grateful to Toro and in particular to Ivan Juric. Precisely thanks to him they have completed a truly important growth path and have seen the light again after several seasons with more shadows than lights. The French defender and the number 34 grenade shouldn’t forget this aspect when they have to make the final decision.

David Vagnati

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