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Aina still out against Fiorentina: the full-back is aiming for Empoli

The full-back has been in the pits since the end of October due to a muscle problem, his full recovery is now near: Aina can return against Empoli

Take off Sasa LukicValentine Lazarus and Peter Pilgrims, who will have to stay still in the pits for a while longer, the Toro infirmary is slowly emptying. Emirhan Ilkhan he’s on the road to recovery, so much so that he’s been back to working in a group for a few days. hello Aina he hopes to be able to follow in the footsteps of his Turkish teammate as soon as possible. The grenade number 34 is trying to forge ahead to make sure he’s back on the list of eligible players in time for the match where Toro will face Empoli, led by former grenade player Paolo Zanetti. It was Ivan who revealed it Juric a few days ago when he declared that, if all goes according to plan and there are no nasty surprises, Ola Aina will return to training in the group after the match against Fiorentina. The defender born in 1996 is impatient and can’t wait to get back to playing after being stopped for a long time. In fact, Ola Aina has been out since the end of October due to a tendon injury to his left hamstring. So the wait is about to end and it’s not only the former Chelsea defender who smiles but also Juric.

Ola Aina: there’s a great desire to get back to being big right away

When Ola Aina returns to collect playing time on the pitch, he will absolutely want to do it in the best possible way, proving that he is a player who can make the difference and who can give Toro a big hand in fighting for ever more ambitious goals. In addition, the Nigerian full-back knows that if all goes well he will be back in the group at a very important moment because after the match against Empoli, the grenades will face Fiorentina again in the quarter-finals of Italian Cup and beating Zanetti’s team could be important, not only for the purposes of the Serie A standings but also to raise the morale of the grenade team in view of a decisive match. However, the head of the defender born in 1996 must be turned towards his return for the moment. So, one step at a time.

Ola Aina and Manuel Lazzari in Turin-Lazio

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