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Air Algérie fleet: resumption of 100% of its capacity in March 2023

The Minister of Transport, Kamel Beldjoud indicated that the fleet of the national company, Air Algérie will regain 100% of its capacity from next March, in particular with the return to service of 11 planes currently in periodic maintenance.

Indeed, it was during a plenary session of the National People’s Assembly (APN), this Thursday, February 2, 2023 devoted to oral questions and chaired by Lansari Ghali, vice-president of the APN, in the presence of the Minister Relations with Parliament, Basma Azouar and members of the Government, Beldjoud stressed that “Air Algérie’s air transport fleet, made up of 56 planes, will regain 100% of its capacity next March with the return to service of 11 planes currently undergoing periodic maintenance, which will make it possible to relaunch the activity of air transport through the various wilayas of the country. »

As part of the improvement of air transport, the Minister of Transport recalled the decision of the President of the Republic, Abdelmadjid Tebboune to improve air transport through the acquisition of 15 new aircraft and the rental of 7 others, in addition the opening of the field to private investment, citing the launch of “negotiations on this subject”.

What about Air Algérie’s promotional prices for certain destinations?

In response to a question from MP Wahid Al Sid Cheikh (Independents) on the ticket prices set up by Air Algérie to certain destinations in Europe, the first responsible for the transport sector in Algeria, affirmed that the airline “offers a promotion pack for all destinations, which was favorably received by customers”, recalling that “prices were high due to the Covid-19 pandemic when the number of flights was very limited in the face of demand”.

Moreover, on this subject Kamel Beldjoud also mentioned a restructuring project of the company, in preparation, affirming that the project “will be submitted to the Government and presented to the Council of Ministers”.

In addition, MP Lazhar Degla of the National Liberation Front (FLN) party questioned the Minister on the intensification of flights at Touggourt airport, Kamel Beldjoud affirmed that the Algerian airline “monitors of demand”, announcing the opening of new lines “meeting the required criteria”. Before adding that “the opening of any new airline will depend on its economic profitability and the flow of requests”.

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