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Air transport: why the fed up with noise pollution is growing

S.Ricottier, R.Asencio, E.Delevoye, J.Boulesteix, R.Gardeux, P.Minet

France 2

France Televisions

Air traffic has returned to its pre-Covid level, which increases noise pollution. This afternoon, some demonstrated in front of the Ministry of Transport, to demand a drop in activity. The 20 hours of France 2 carried out its investigation.

It’s an incessant noise that they don’t get used to. Day and night, living near an airport means experiencing noise pollution on a daily basis. A nightmare for some residents who feel ignored. For 12 years, Daniel has lived 300 meters from Orly airport, and planes pass just above his garden. “In summer, there is a plane every minute”, he laments. Daniel fears that traffic will increase further, particularly with the renovation of the airport runways. Paris airport recalls, for its part, the establishment of a cap at Orly, with 250,000 flights per year. The inhabitants claim 200,000, while two million would be affected by noise pollution near Orly.

Increase in cardiovascular diseases

In some regions, traffic growth is already a reality. This is the case in Bordeaux (Gironde). Jean-Pierre lives 5 kilometers from the airport. “20 years ago there was a plane taking off in this area, now there are 15”, says the resident. According to the prefecture of Gironde, the number of flights should increase by 50% within 15 years, in particular because of the development of low-cost companies. According to a 2020 survey, living next to an airport increases the risk of stress, anxiety and cardiovascular disease.

Among our sources


ADP press area

Bordeaux-Merignac Airport

France Blue

France Info

France 3

South West

Associations : Oye 349, FLAG, AEHDCNA

ANDexchanges by email and telephone with ADP, Bordeaux-Mérignac airport and the DGAC, who did not wish to be interviewed.

Non-exhaustive list

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