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Airbnb bans security cameras inside accommodations

Airbnb bans security cameras inside accommodations

Previously, the company allowed the installation of video cameras in common areas, such as hallways and lounges, as long as they were clearly visible and indicated in the advertisements before booking the rental.

However, users have complained on social media about finding recording devices apparently hidden in homes offered on Airbnb, some of them in areas where privacy is expected.

“Airbnb prohibits the use of indoor security cameras in listings worldwide as part of efforts to simplify our policy on security cameras and other devices and to continue prioritizing the privacy of our community,” the company said. in a post on his blog.

New company layout

The new policy, along with a tightening of rules on outdoor security cameras at Airbnb properties, will go into effect on April 30.

“Our goal was to create new, clear rules that provide our community with greater clarity on what to expect from Airbnb,” said Juniper Downs, Head of Community Policy and Partnerships.

Airbnb will continue to allow doorbell cameras and noise decibel monitors for home security and to detect unauthorized people, according to the company, based in the US city of San Francisco.

Hosts will be required to disclose the location of outdoor security cameras, which will not be able to monitor areas such as outdoor showers or saunas, Airbnb said.

Source: With information from AFP and AP.

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