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Airport transfer service Terravision: Over 2 million records compromised

The Have I Been Pwned Project (HIBP) has now added more than two million data records to its database. They went missing from one of the largest international airport transfer service providers, the Terravision Group.

The group of companies operating across the EU and headquartered in London has so far remained silent on the data leak. Apparently there is no information on the website, and customers have not yet been informed. Like the project on the Have-I-been-pwned-Webseite writes, the cyber breach took place on February 1st this year. The perpetrators were able to access 2,075,625 data records.

The records include names, email addresses, phone numbers, password hashes (salted after all), and in some cases dates of birth and country of origin. According to HIBP, “individuals over a period of months” attempted to get Terravision to report the incident. Unsuccessful.

Anyone who has used airport transfer services in the past should consider at Have-I-been-pwned seine Mail-Adresse check whether it has become part of the data leak. Cyber ​​criminals can use the information to optimize phishing attacks and make them more credible. Those affected should therefore exercise additional caution when receiving text messages, messages or e-mails.

Terravision has not yet responded to an inquiry from heise online regarding the cyber burglary and its consequences.

Earlier this year, the Have I Been Pwned project added 230 million records to the fundus. These came from a service provider of the music streaming service Deezer.


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