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Al Fondo Hay Sitio LIVE: Follow the minute by minute of chapter 47 of the tenth season

Francesca calls Peter to apologize for the rude way she spoke to him. When she doesn’t answer, she decides to go look for him at Don Gilberto’s warehouse. However, she doesn’t find it either and begins to worry.


Alessia tells July that she broke up with Jimmy. She asks if Kimberly had anything to do with it and the young chef remains silent, implying that she did.


Joel finds out that Jimmy supposedly got Kimberly pregnant. He gets upset and tells her that she can’t be so irresponsible.


Alessia Montalbán breaks up with Jimmy Gonzales, after he told her that he is not going to abandon his alleged son. She leaves crying.


Eva pretends to be the receptionist at the lab where Kimberly took the supposed pregnancy test, when Jimmy calls to see if his ex is waiting for him.


Eva is Dalila’s mother and Kimberly’s grandmother. Joel’s ex thanks him for being part of her revenge. Eva promises her daughter that she will own the shop and her granddaughter that she will marry Jimmy Gonzales.


Chapter 47 of Al Fondo Hay Sitio began! Claudia overhears Peter at her house and surprises him by pointing a gun at him. He is shocked to see that the ‘Shark Gaze’ is alive and begins to have a heart attack. She sees him lying on the floor and doesn’t help him.

This March 15, chapter 47 of Al Fondo Hay Sitio will be enjoyed, where Jimmy will continue to look for evidence to prove that he is not the father of Kimberly’s alleged son. Also, Alessia continues to suffer and Claudia Llanos surprises Peter by pointing a gun at him.

/peru/2023/03/15/in-the-background-there-is-a-place-and-peter-followers-are-shocked-with-new-attack-on-butler-by-claudia-llanos-I-backed-in-the -time/




Where can I watch ‘Al Fondo Hay Sitio’ live?

The 2023 season of ‘In the background there is room‘ will be transmitted through america television in the different cable operators.

– DirecTV / Channel 194 (SD/HD) Channel 1194 (HD)

– Movistar TV / Channel 104 (SD) Channel 704 (HD)

– Claro TV / Channel 4 (SD) Channel 1004 (HD)

– Movistar TV / Channel 4 (SD) Channel 704 (HD)

– Claro TV / Channel 4 (SD) Channel 504 (HD)

– Cablemas / Channel 4 (SD) Channel 110 (HD)

– Cable Peru / Channel 4

– Vision Peru / Channel 4

– Best Cable / Channel 4

– Star Globalcom / Channel 13

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