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Alarm in Ecuador due to kidnapping of the United Kingdom consul

Alarm in Ecuador due to kidnapping of the United Kingdom consul

QUITO.- The authorities of Ecuador confirmed the kidnapping of Colin Armstrong, honorary consul of the United Kingdom in the Andean country. The incident took place in the early hours of this Saturday in the province of Los Ríos, located approximately 177 kilometers southwest of the capital, as reported by the institution through its account on the social network X.

Immediately, specialized units were deployed in the kidnapping area to carry out operations and investigations, with the police maintaining caution by not providing additional details “so as not to interfere with the investigations,” according to what was communicated in a conversation with journalists.

The kidnapping of Armstrong, also known for his prominent business activity in the agricultural sector, would have occurred in the city of Baba, where he owned a farm, according to local reports.

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Increase in insecurity in Ecuador

Ecuadorian authorities attribute the increase in insecurity and violence to the presence of organized crime groups linked to drug trafficking. These organizations, which operate in collaboration with local gangs, compete for territories, generating a significant increase in robberies, kidnappings, extortion, contract killings and other crimes.

In this context, the figures are revealing: during the first half of 2023, kidnappings for ransom in the Andean country tripled, with 54 cases reported and resolved, resulting in the release of 78 people, according to data from the Anti-Kidnapping Unit and Police extortion.

Given this panorama, the Ecuadorian authorities have announced concrete measures to strengthen security in the country. A significant deployment of resources and operations is expected to address and contain the growing wave of insecurity.

This event adds to the series of security challenges that Ecuador has faced in recent times, generating greater pressure to take effective measures and protect the population. The situation also highlights the importance of international cooperation in fighting organized crime and strengthening security in the region.

Source: With information from AP

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