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Alarms go off in Colo Colo: Emiliano Amor could travel to Europe to enter the pavilion

Emiliano Amor is not having a good time with his injury. The footballer continues to work in a differentiated way to see the solution to advance in his return to the courts and one of the alternatives that is handled in this regard, would be to travel to Europe to enter the pavilion and be treated with a specialist.

© Guillermo SalazarEmiliano Amor could travel to Europe to enter the pavilion.

One of the big problems that the Colo Colo squad has had has been generated by the recovery of one of its fundamental pieces in defense. Emiliano Amor, who has not played since that friendly with River Plate in Viña del Mar in Novembercontinues to work to see try to return to the competition as soon as possible.

Alarms on in Colo Colo.

However, the journalist Daniel Arrieta in his daily report with the news of Colo Colo through the Pelota Parada program, announced that in Colo Colo they are with the alarms on regarding the situation of the central defenderwho has not been able to progress favorably in the recovery of his ankle.

The information shared by the professional was that one of the alternatives being considered is that the central defender travels to the European continent to undergo an operationand that this is attended by a specialist who can help in the reconstruction of the tendon that affects one of his ankles.

A headache thinking that the Argentine was one of the good players that Colo Colo managed to have in his season that culminated in the last title in his history in the National Championship. Even within the Cacique and with information that DaleAlbo has been able to obtain in this regard, It is not ruled out that the leadership has to seek reinforcement in defense.

Even the coach Gustavo Quinteros has referred to this possibility of adding a new name to his last line. “We are trying to incorporate the striker, the winger and we will see the latest news from Amor to see if we can incorporate another central defender”made known about it.

That would not be all, because the information that has begun to emerge also suggests that in the event that the central defender undergoes a new operation on his ankle, He could miss the entire first football semester that Colo Colo will have.

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