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Albemarle trusts respect to lithium concession in Chile

An appointment that they described as “constructive” was held by representatives of the Chilean Production Development Corporation (Corfo) and Albemarle in the framework of the talks of the National Lithium Strategy presented last week by Chilean President Gabriel Boric.

According to the North American company, José Miguel Benavente, executive vice president of Corfo, explained in detail the main points of the strategy to Ignacio Mehech, vice president of external affairs and country manager of Albemarle Chile.

In the meeting, they point out in Albemarle, Corfo reiterated respect for the current contract, leaving any other conversation about State participation for a date closer to the end of the contract.

Ignacio Mehech declared that “we are and will continue to be partners of the State of Chile through Corfo. Legal certainty is a value that has allowed Chile to develop and develop the mining activity, so the President’s declaration of unrestricted respect for our contract until 2043 is an unequivocal signal to the market that allows us to strengthen the commitment we have with Chile.”

The executive added that “we thank Corfo for reaffirming that commitment. We want and can grow in the country with new extraction technologies and in the Salar de Atacama”.

Mehech stressed that “with Corfo we will continue talking to continue contributing to the country with dialogue, innovation, sustainability and generation of social value. At Albemarle we have promoted long-term relationships by being pioneers in the development of the lithium industry in Chile and we are focused on continuing to grow in a sustainable manner”.

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