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Alberto Fernández and Wado de Pedro “decided to turn the page”

The meeting of the political table of the Frente de Todos (FdT) demanded by the President of the Nation, Alberto Fernandezwill take place this Thursday, but before that, the president solves internal issues of his political space, such as the confrontation he had with his Minister of the Interior, Eduardo “Wado” de Pedro.

On the morning of this day, both the Head of State and the Minister participated in a breakfast at Quinta de Olivos. In the first instance, Wado de Pedro had to inform Alberto Fernandez the advances in an activity to enhance the Bajos Submeridionales together with the governors of Chaco, Jorge Capitanich, of Santiago del Estero, Gerardo Zamora, and of Santa Fe, Omar Perotti, in the city of Resistencia.

The close relationship between Wado de Pedro and the vice president, Cristina Fernández de Kirchner would have prevented the dismissal of the minister.

Using this excuse, the minister met with the president to resolve a conflict that has been going on for years. In 2021, the link between Wado de Pedro and Alberto Fernandez it weakened when the minister in question submitted his resignation after the results of that year’s PASO. And the problem intensified when the head of state did not invite the minister to a bilateral meeting with the president of Brazil, Lula da Silva. The environment of Wado de Pedro said that Fernández “had no codes.”

It is presumed that the Argentine president did not evict the Interior Minister at that time due to his close relationship with the vice president, Cristina Fernández de Kirchner. Returning to the present, The two officials had “a frank talk about work and everything,” say Casa Rosada sources. “The two were satisfied with the talk, they decided to turn the page, get to work to strengthen the Government and continue working on the management and problems to solve and strengthen the FdT unit”assured the same sources.

President Alberto Fernández together with the Minister of the Interior “Wado” de Pedro.

The president’s political table

This same Thursday, the political table that President Fernández requested from his political space should be finalized in order to outline the electoral strategy that they will carry out this year, which includes a presidential confirmed data, it is known that the president is going for his re-election with the explicit support of his Security Minister Aníbal Fernández and the Argentine Foreign Minister, Santiago Cafiero.

Pablo Moyano was called to “work to continue with the unity of Peronism.”

Wado de Pedro is one of the few officials known to personally attend the political table. On the part of other politicians, both ministers, provincial governors or legislators, they say repeatedly that they have not yet been officially invited. Among the leaders with whom Fernández communicated this Monday, is the Truckers unionist, Pablo Moyano, who said that the president intends to “work to continue with the unity of Peronism.”

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