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Alberto Fernández asked that the region defend the same interests

President, Alberto Fernandezhighlighted that Argentina carried “the singing voice of the region in the world”, in the last speech as president pro tempore of the Community of Latin American and Caribbean States (CELAC) and praised the return of Brazil to the Regional Block of 33 countries.

The host president of the summit that is being held in Buenos Aires, emphasized that “The time has come to make the region defend the same interests”and told the leaders present that “we must face a process that leads us towards equality and social justice,” he said Alberto Fernandez.

Alberto Fernández received the leaders of the region. Source: (Scope).

President, Alberto Fernandezhighlighted: “now we are in a complete Celac, with Brazil, and the opportunity to unite the region is an imperative”and reiterated that “the ultra-right has stood up and is threatening each of our peoples.”

He mentioned the situation in Bolivia, where “luckily the coup only lasted a year”, or “the one that took place a few days ago in the streets of Brasilia”a week after Lula’s assumption of the presidency, and here in Argentina “when someone tried to kill the vice president” Cristina Kirchner.

Alberto Fernández gave his last speech as president pro tempore of Celac. Source: (Scope).

Alberto Fernández reviewed Argentina’s management during the year in which he held the pro tempore presidency of the celacand said: “We have taken the voice of Latin America to all corners of the world” and cited the problem that climate change implies for the Caribbean region.

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