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Alberto Fernández demanded that the Frente de Todos choose a candidate in the PASO

President Alberto Fernández claimed to the Front of All (FdT) that, for the next election, go to a HE PASSED to choose your candidate and considered that the space “is competitive.” He assured that “To eliminate the primaries, a law is needed and nobody showed me that votes exist”.

He said that in the structure there must be a “harmonic system of coexistence” and offered to take charge of the assembly work for the HE PASSEDto “agree with everyone”, and sentenced: “If one is the owner of the decision, the one who is not a friend is left out”.

Alberto Fernandez and Cristina Kirchner.

Fernández called on “those who want” to appear at the HE PASSED and noted: “We are competitive, not with the same strength as in 2019, but absolutely competitive”, he clarified. He remarked that “no people commits suicide” nor repeats the same history, and reiterated that His first duty is to guarantee the unity of the Frente de Todos.

Alberto Fernández asked Juntos por el Cambio to go to PASO.

alberto did not talk about re-electionbut he asked the leaders of his space that no one leave and that they “leave their feet inside the plate”, because everyone has a place.

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