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Alberto Fernandez: "The complaints that I hear is that to go eat you have to wait two hours"

The head of state stressed that “the hotel and gastronomic industry is full”, when making a visit to the province of Entre Ríos

For iProfessional

02/03/2023 – 5:55 p.m.

President Alberto Fernández affirmed that “the complaints” he hears from people “are because you have to wait two hours to go to eat”, since “the hotel and gastronomic industry is full”.

“When I see that today the hotel and gastronomy industry is in full swing, now it turns out that the complaints I hear is that to go eat you have to wait two hours“Fernández emphasized, recalling the difficult situation that the sector went through during the coronavirus pandemic.

During his visit to the city of Concepción del Uruguay, in the province of Entre Ríos, he highlighted: “There was no activity in the pandemic that has suffered as much as tourism and gastronomy. As soon as the pandemic started, I met with them and told them ‘rest assured that we will see how we help you’ and we came up with a plan that was the ATP and we paid them their salary”.

Gastronomic and hotel sectors, greater assistance during the pandemic

In this context, the head of state specified that between “75 and 80 percent” of the Emergency Assistance Program for Work and Production (ATP) was allocated to the gastronomic and hotel sectors.

“Why did we do it? Because really what we wanted was for no one to lose their job and that none of these activities be closed, because the pandemic was going to pass and the next day we were going to be able to recover all those activities. The truth is that I was right,” he argued.

However, Alberto Fernández mentioned those who criticized him for that measure and retorted: “If I had to face that, I would do it again today.because when I see what I saw today in the Isla del Puerto, I realized that I was not wrong.”

Fernández stated that “the complaints” he hears from people “are because you have to wait two hours to go eat.”

When announcing the development of urban and sports infrastructure works in the municipality of Entre Ríos together with the local governor, Gustavo Bordet, the president affirmed that “development is beginning to be seen” and asked “to lower the noise of those who shout and listen more to the silent voice of those who need”.

Regarding the summer season in Argentina, Fernández stressed: “This million people who came to Entre Ríos this January has to do with a tourist movement that we have had throughout the country and that is a historical record.”

22 million Argentines traveled this year through Argentina. They left their houses looking for a place like Isla del Puerto to come and rest. That means that we are moving the economy, that means that we are making progress and that development is beginning to be seen,” he said.

Short circuit with the governor of Entre Ríos

The President visited the province of Litoral after the short circuit that was generated between the Casa Rosada and the government of Entre Ríos as a result of the request for impeachment against the Supreme Court.

The conflict arose after the national government released an official document containing the names of a group of governors who had supported the initiative, including Gustavo Bordet, but the man from Entre Ríos came out to deny it.

In this context, the head of state stated that “Argentina’s recovery process needs to include everyone“, and maintained that “there is not a single municipality in the entire country that has not received public works from the national State.”


We went to help all of them because, beyond the political situation, what we should be concerned about is improving the lives of Argentines“, said the president. Likewise, he specified that “budget execution in the province increased by 782% between 2019 and 2023”, while “the multi-year portfolio of Public Works adds an investment of more than 81 billion pesos that the The national state is contributing so that Entre Ríos grows”.

For his part, Bordet expressed his gratitude to the National Executive for “the effort it has made in difficult times and for the measures that have made possible the recovery that we are experiencing in the tourism sector, industry, commerce and agricultural activity.”

Also present were the lieutenant governor, María Laura Stratta; the Ministers of Public Works, Gabriel Katopodis, and of Tourism and Sports, Matías Lammens.

Previously, Alberto Fernández shared a meeting with 30 representatives of the region’s tourism sectortogether with national and provincial officials, with whom he highlighted the tourist movement and the economic impact of the summer season so far.

They also discussed “the fourth edition of the Pre-Trip program and analyzed the needs of this sector in order to deepen growth and improve the offer,” according to what the Presidency indicated in a statement.

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