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Alberto Fernandez: "The time has come to make the Caribbean and Latin America a single region"

Tuesday, January 24, 2023 | 12:39 p.m.

President Alberto Fernández affirmed today that “we must face a process that will lead us towards equality and social justice in our nations”, when opening the VII Summit of Heads of State and Government of the Community of Latin American and Caribbean States ( CELAC), which takes place at the Sheraton Buenos Aires.

“The time has come to make the Caribbean and Latin America a single region that defends the same interests for the progress of our peoples,” said the president, and stressed that “for this we have to work together, because it is much easier to achieve those results together.

At the same time, he stressed the importance of “working to guarantee and strengthen the institutional framework in the region.” Along these lines, he warned: “We believe in democracy and democracy is at risk. After the pandemic, far-right sectors have stood up and are threatening each of our peoples.”

The Head of State pointed out that “now that we are in a complete CELAC with the return of Brazil, the opportunity to unite the region is an imperative that is imposed on us and we have to achieve it”, adding that “globalization does not work as it worked and revealed the shortcomings of the economic system”.

In addition, he considered that “we have all the possibilities of developing together. All we have to do is deepen our dialogue. Those who are here have been chosen by their peoples and, beyond what each people decides, in diversity we must respect each other and grow together”.

“Knowing that it is an effort that is well worth it, because it has to do with the progress of our peoples, we have to turn all these wishes and words into institutions and deeds; we have to make integration a reality, that they be actions that allow us to move forward, ”he emphasized.

“I have the peace of mind that this year I have put Latin America in the place it deserves,” said the President, and concluded: “Alone we are worth little. United we can have an overwhelming force”.

Next, the Minister of Foreign Affairs, International Trade and Worship, Santiago Cafiero, presented a report on the actions carried out during the year in which Argentina held the Pro Tempore Presidency of the regional organization, with the goal of reducing gaps and environmental protection in Latin America and the Caribbean.

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