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Aldo Olcese and the secret of the ampay car with Malú Costa

More than 20 years have passed and many thought that everything had already been said about one of the most famous ampays in Peruvian television and sports history: that of Aldo Olcese and Malu Costa. However, the former soccer player has just revealed an unknown secret about the event and that he has a lot to do with the car in which they were both recorded.

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The compromising scene took place in the truck that the then Alianza Lima player was driving, which had a secret that helped the driver to maintain the unbridled life he had at the time.

Aldo Olcese and the secret of the ampay car with Malú Costa. Video: Pressure.

“I already changed that car because it was old, it was stained, it was a green Renault van,” He started his story in one of the most recent episodes of the program ‘A Presión Radio’.

“I’m going to see the truck, when I was just going to buy it, first I go alone and The salesman tells me: “Look at the back seat.” In the back of you, in the part of the foot mat, there were some secret compartments”, counted.

Said secret compartment was a very important ally not to be discovered. “The next day when I go with my ex-wife to show her the truck, I wink at the seller so he doesn’t tell her that there was that. She never found out and I put my clothes there, everything…”sentenced.


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