
Alert for synthetic drug that is circulating in Medellín and that is made with bath salts

The tusi would be adulterated with cathinones in Medellín, according to the investigation.
The tusi would be adulterated with cathinones in Medellín, according to the investigation.

A troubling finding was made by the National University in conjunction with the Secretariat of Youth of Medellínin the middle of the investigation Chemical risk of circulating psychoactive substances in the city. A drug created in the laboratory based on cathinones (bath salts), which can have lethal effects, is being consumed in the capital of Antioquia.

The traffickers offer it as if it were tusi or ecstasy. But, in reality, it is a drug that does not even have its own name on the streets and is not even known by the authorities. When inhaled or swallowed, it can even lead to death.

For the investigation, drug samples were collected in sectors of the city where demand is highest, such as the El Poblado, Laureles and La Candelaria neighborhoods. 98% of drugs like LSD and cocaine are adulterated. It was the consumers themselves who delivered drug samples for the study.

Due to the high amount of cathinones, the researchers immediately sent an alert to the national government to work on the control of this substance. Jorge Ariel Martinezresearcher of Department of Pharmacy of the National Universityhe told the magazine Week that it is a highly stimulating and hallucinogenic substance that should be under the scrutiny of the authorities.

“A very small dose of this substance leads a person to death due to cardiorespiratory arrest, edema in the brain or lungs. Actually, you do have to be careful with this type of substance because it is highly dangerous,” said the researcher.

It is suspected that this substance is being mixed in clandestine laboratories with ecstasy and tusi. For this reason, the authors of the study hope that the Ministry of Justice issue an alert for the first semester of 2023 requesting to control the circulation of cathinones.

Another issue that causes concern in the authorities is was found levamisole in 47% of the cocaine samples collected. It is an antiparasitic drug for animals that causes kidney failure. Heroin is combined, with its share, with cocaine and cannabis and 95% of users inject it, which increases the risks of complications.

Quite a bit of confusion has generated what happened in the Robledo neighborhood of the capital of Antioquia, since the authorities found a man with a million-dollar sum of money in a parking lot in the sector. What was confusing was not only the $1.1 billion in cashbut rather the few or no explanations that the subject could give regarding the large sum of money.

Is about Diego Fernando Orozco, as the authorities have managed to identify and who was in the northwestern neighborhood of the city with the million-dollar sum of money when he was surprised by the authorities. The General Prosecutor of the Nation indicated in this regard: “The sum was distributed in bundles of 100,000-peso bills and the holder did not provide any support or justification regarding its origin.”

Due to the millionaire sum and Orozco’s lack of explanations, the accusing entity presented him before a guarantee control judge, who charged him with the crime of money laundering. This resulted in the $1.1 billion in cash being seized for forfeiture purposes.

Despite the measure taken by the guarantee control judge, Fernando Orozco No detention measure was imposed on him in the penitentiary center, although he will continue to be linked to the process.

“The guarantee control judge rejected the request and ordered that the defendant must continue to be linked to the process without any restriction. This decision was appealed by the representative of the Prosecutor’s Office, “said the accusing entity, emphasizing that they continue to carry out investigative work to be clear about the origin and destination of the money.

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