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Alert for the presence of cyanobacteria in the waters of the Río de La Plata

The Undersecretariat of Water Resources of the province of Buenos Aires, through the Inter-Institutional Cyanobacteria Board, today issued the orange alert for the presence of cyanobacteria in spas of the Río de la Plata and Buenos Aires lagoons.

The authorities indicated that the orange alert is a medium risk in which the water appears bright green on the surface and on the sand.

“Cyanobacteria accumulate in the water column or on the surface, but not in a continuous layer,” they explained.

In turn, they recommended avoiding contact with the green stains, washing with clean water in case of entering the river or lagoon, not eating food that comes from the body of water, and paying special attention to children and pets.

The most affected points located on the coast of the Río de La Plata that are in the town of Ensenada are: La Pérgola, Mirador Costero, Parador II, Club Regatas and the Río Santiago access channel.

Similarly, in the coastal zone of the municipality of Berisso, the presence of these organisms is noted in the Delta, Palo Blanco, Balneario Municipal, La Balandra area, as well as in the town of Magdalena (Balneario Magdalena and Balneario Atalaya).

Cyanobacteria are organisms that live in water, generally have a greenish-blue color, and some of these species can be harmful to health.

It was also reported that the Orange alert is maintained due to the presence of cyanobacteria in the Gómez Lagoon (Lincoln Bridge) located in the Junín district; Laguna de Lobos, from that district; as well as in the Chis Chis Lagoon, La Tablilla and Las Barrancas, mirrors of water belonging to the Salado river basin, in the province of Buenos Aires.

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