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Alert in Palmyra: they found two dismembered corpses

Alert in Palmyra: they found two dismembered corpses

The community in the municipality of Palmira, Valle del Cauca, is frightened and dismayed by the macabre discovery of two dismembered bodies in less than 12 hours in different areas of the city.

The first of these occurred in the El Sembrador neighborhood on the night of a holiday Monday, May 1, where residents of the sector found a terrible scene in a park located in Comuna 7. The victim was dismembered and abandoned in two sacks. He appeared at Transversal 16 with Calle 23, where personnel from the Judicial Investigation Technical Corps carried out the removal of the body.

According to the report of the Valle del Cauca Department Police, it pointed out that the weapon with which the man was murdered has not yet been established. However, the report detailed that the victim presented injuries in different parts of the body.

The other aberrational case was registered on Tuesday, May 2 around noon in the same sector, where a lifeless body inside a sack. The body was found in the vicinity of the old Los Libertadores Social Security, located in Commune 7 of the Valle del Cauca municipality.

Immediately, the authorities made a presence in the area and the remains were transferred to Legal Medicine. At this time, the identity of the two victims is unknown.

As for the Secretary of Security and Coexistence of Palmira, Rodrigo Cepeda Ascencio, He pointed out that the Municipal Administration rejects these acts of violence.

“Two homicides that occurred, one of a male subject, who was found dismembered in two bags. And another that appeared in some sacks. These facts are the subject of an investigation by the Technical Investigation Corps (CTI) of the Office of the Attorney General of the Nation and the Judicial Police, who are about to establish the motives for them,” confirmed Cepeda.

Body lifting. @FunSumapaz. Twitter

The official also pronounced that: “the Mayor’s Office offers a reward to whoever gives us information to achieve the capture of those responsible for these violent acts, and from the Administration we will continue working for security with different operations as we did over the weekend, with an operation in which we managed to capture more than 12 subjects, of whom were dedicated to the crime of theft and conspiracy to commit a crime,” he said.

Regarding the city of Cali, it experienced a violent weekend due to the homicides that occurred in different sectors. According to figures from the Metropolitan Police, 14 murders were reported- dThe people were killed on Saturday, six on Sunday, and six on Monday – all the victims were men ranging from 19 to 77 years of age.

In the capital of Valle del Cauca, 342 homicides have been perpetrated, as of April 30 of this year, that is, nine more cases than in 2022 in the same period.

Commune 15, located in eastern Cali, is the sector most affected by the murders in 2023, as it went from adding 31 homicides to registering 49.

Pablo Alvarado, Director of the Cali Security Observatory, explained in days gone by that, “the dynamics of homicides in the city have two important variables. One, which has to do with those who are involved in crime dynamics such as drug trafficking and settling accounts, and another, which corresponds to a low percentage, which has to do with people who lead a normal life and are murdered in a criminal act.” .

Finally, Alvarado assured that the responsibility for the high number of homicides in Cali not only falls on the preventive actions of the authorities, but also depends on the values ​​that are being instilled at a social level.

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