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“Alexa never understands Cubans”

"Alexa never understands Cubans"

How many of us haven’t put Alexa – or Google – to the test to figure out which song we want it to play?

This is precisely what a Cuban in the United States has done – @jorge_drake1992 on Tiktok – who wanted the Amazon virtual assistant played Boney M’s “Rivers of Babylon” for him based on how he thinks the title is pronounced or from a ‘sung’ fragment.

“Alexa never understands Cubans. Someone tell me the name of the song,” wrote the Cuban who lives in Houston on the Internet about the video that has provoked the funniest and most creative responses from users.

“No, if Alexa catches you in person she’ll give you a bunch of ping pong cookies… this crazy guy finished off English”; “But Alexa is hiding behind the fridge”; “For the virus, put aloe vera, was what he meant, I understood it clearly, I pissed myself with this”; “Let me tell you that neither Alexa understood it nor me either”; “I piss myself”; “Me watching the video and my Alexa responding the same”; “Alexa, where can I take English classes?”; “I love that song but I don’t know who sings it”; “I am Cuban and I understood you perfectly”; “Alexa should be given an award”; “You finished off Alexa, my son, that was not understood at all, poor Alexa”; “I am Cuban and I did not understand him”; “Hahaha and he thinks that because I yell at him he will understand”; “We are the best”; “I’m in the process of changing mine because she doesn’t even understand me in Spanish and I get insults”; “The more I see it, the more I laugh”; “Poor Alexa”; “You don’t speak English, dude”; “I got it the second time”; “I understood it very well”; “I died”; “Badu biru sa aloe, I died”; “Barubilosabila, oh damn Alexa doesn’t know anything”; “Alexa is going to have a stroke”; “Oh, how stupid Alexa”; “Alexa is a communist, she doesn’t understand anything,” can be read among the comments, where there were those who gave the correct name for the song.

This is not the first time, however, that this Cuban has caused laughter on the Internet with a similar attempt, as a few months ago he went viral with his attempt to get Alexa to play Michael Jackson’s “We Are the World.”

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