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Alexandria syndrome, a rare genetic mutation that only affects women

Alexandria syndrome, a rare genetic mutation that only affects women

He Alexandria syndrome or Alexandria genesis is associated with a rare genetic mutation produced only in women and that is characterized by causing the eyes to turn purple.

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According to the theory surrounding this syndrome, its name is due to the fact that it appeared for the first time in northern Europe around the fourteenth century and associated with the case of Alexandria Augustine, a woman born in London in 1329 that despite being born with blue eyes, it was seen how little by little they changed to an intense violet.

A case that despite having first been brought to a priest of the time and having been more associated with superstition and witchcraft at first, finally, would have been associated with a very specific genetic modification that had already been seen in other similar cases that occurred in Egypt in the past.

But, What is reality behind this strange syndrome? Is it really studied or proven as hikikomori or busy life syndrome, or is it really a myth? In this article we will discuss the characteristics and symptoms normally associated with this syndrome and the truth behind it.

What is Alexandria syndrome?

According to the theory, Alexandria syndrome would be the direct consequence of a genetic mutation that would only affect women and that manifests itself with a notable change in eye color to a striking one. violet colour.

But this is not all, and it is in fact that other symptoms and characteristics are also accompanied, such as: extremely fair skin that does not burn with sun exposure, hair that turns dark brown, absence of body hair, as well as absence of the menstrual cycle (despite the fact that they may have children), especially strengthened immune system, younger appearance, athletic and thin body and a striking life expectancy that would place people who suffer from it between 120 and 150 years of age.

A series of unique capabilities that rather seem closer to a superhero movie or in this case of superheroines and that they have made this Alexandria syndrome has gone on to become one of the most mentioned of the 21st century. But what exactly are the symptoms of it and what is reality or myth behind it?

Associated symptoms

Violet colored eyes. Those born with blue eyes, approximately around six months experience a color change to a shade of purple.

Clear skin and resistance to sun exposure. People suffering from this syndrome would have especially fair skin, but surprisingly also resistant to sunlight.

Absence or paucity of body hair. Body hair would only be present on the nose, eyelashes, head, and on the eyebrows.

No menstruation and fertile. It is said that women who suffer from it do not menstruate, but they would be fertile.

Great longevity. It is also said that people with Alexandria syndrome can live up to 150 years.

younger appearance Another characteristic feature is that women who suffer from it would appear between 5 and 10 years younger than their real age and the signs of aging would not begin to be noticed until a very advanced age.

Tendency to athletic and slim body. Women would have an athletic appearance and a lean tendency.

The truth about the syndrome

In short, a series of almost impossible traits and closer to the Science fiction that would affect women who suffer from this peculiar Alexandria syndrome and, to which, as we have also commented, a curious origin is associated.

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The reality is that both the changes associated with this Alexandria syndrome and its supposed symptoms are far from being credible. And we are not just referring to the fact that the eyes can become a purple tone. But because of other associated symptoms such as the fact that despite having fair skin, these people would not be affected by sunlight.

Something biologically impossible starting from the fact that protection from solar radiation is produced thanks to melanin, a substance that is usually found in greater quantities in dark-skinned people. Reason why people with lighter or albino skin would be even more vulnerable to this sun exposure.

Another point to note is the exaggerated life expectancy, which would be associated with these people. And it is that today the person who died with more years was 122 and not the 150 that come to be associated with this syndrome.

symptoms in short, more worthy of a comic or fictional character than of reality and behind which the author of The house of Aubernon, who in January 2014 came to confess having been the creator of this syndrome.

A therefore false syndrome that would have originated through a community on-line of fans of the series Would give Broadcast on MTV back in 1998 and in which the author came to create a story of the characters in the series, in which one of the girls suffered from this alleged Alexandria syndrome, which, according to her own statement on her blog, would have been based on the way she dealt with her gender identity and body image when she was barely 20 years old.

A story that over the years gained followers, to the point of going viral in 2011 through alleged testimonials on the same social network from people who spoke of this syndrome as a real syndrome or even suffered from it themselves or their friends.

Reality? Alexandria syndrome is simply a false and viral syndrome that we could see in the movies or in a science fiction bookbut not in real life and all, despite the fact that he still has a large legion of fans and supporters around the world.

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