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Alfredo Benavides is the new ‘jale’ of JB on ATV after the departure of Carlos Vílchez

COME BACK! Alfredo Benavides will be the new figure of JB on ATVswhich returns to the screens this Saturday the 14th, this after Carlos Vílchez went to channel 4. Jorge Benavides himself is the one who welcomed his brother.

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In the preview you can see JB wishing Carlos Vílchez luck and success, when suddenly he receives a call from Alfredo.

“Come back home” is the text that accompanies the promotional video. JB’s new season on ATV premieres on January 14 at 8:30 p.m.

Why did Carlos Vílchez and Alfredo Benavides fight?

Last year Carlos Vílchez revealed that he had a strong fight with Alfredo Benavides when they both work in ‘Bienvenida la tarde’, a missing Latina program.

“Alfredo Benavides and I used to fuck each other in the dressing rooms, to the mouth, with the reconch*** and everything, because he spoke to me with his ‘Alfredito’ voice, I told him ‘talk to me well huev**'”narrated the comedian to a YouTube program.

However, the popular “Carlota” remarked that despite the differences, he and Alfredo Benavides currently maintain a good relationship.


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