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Algeria-France military cooperation: Chanegriha – Burkhard interview

The Chief of Staff of the People’s National Army (ANP), Army General Chanegriha Saïd met today, Tuesday January 24, 2023 with the Chief of Staff of the French Armed Forces.

Lieutenant General Thierry Burkhard, Chief of Staff of the French Armed Forces, received Chief of Staff Chanegriha Saïd at the Paris Military School.

In addition, the two Algerian and French Chiefs of Staff discussed ways to strengthen military and security cooperation between the two countries.

Emmanuel Macron receives Army General Chanegriha Saïd

The Chief of Staff of the People’s National Army (ANP), Army General Chanegriha Saïd, arrived yesterday, Monday January 23, 2023, in France, beginning an official visit, at the invitation of the Head of State -major of the French armies, army general Thierry Burkhard, indicates a press release from the Ministry of National Defense (MDN). The President of the French Republic, Emmanuel Macron received Army General Saïd Chanegriha, giving him on this occasion a message from the President of the Republic, Abdelmadjid Tebboune.

Were present at this meeting, Sébastien Lecornu, French Minister for the Armed Forces, and Army General Thierry Burkhard, Chief of Staff of the French Armed Forces. They discussed the Algerian-French military cooperation and the means of its consolidation.

In addition, it was General Eric Peltier, who received the Chief of Staff, Said Chanegriha on his arrival at Paris-Le Bourget airport in France. General Eric Peltier is also in charge of international military relations with the command of the general staff of the French armies as well as with the Algerian ambassador in France.

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