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Algeria weather forecast: return of clouds and some rain this Wednesday, April 19

With the arrival of summer, weather conditions are constantly changing, with relatively high temperatures and sporadic rainfall. Moreover, the rain could return this Wednesday to affect different regions of the country in the North and South.

For this Wednesday, April 19, 2023, the National Office of Meteorology (ONM) has forecast “an often cloudy sky over the Center and East regions of the country, with a stormy tendency from the afternoon on the high plateaus and the Aures”.

At the level of the western regions of the country, the services of Algeria Weather reported that “an often cloudy sky will cover the areas near the coasts and inland, becoming cloudy from the evening with some rain inland”. . In addition, this Wednesday’s bulletin predicts “an often cloudy sky on the high plateaus with the development of stormy centers in the afternoon which can generate a few rain showers in places”.

Finally, with regard to the Saharan regions, the ONM indicated that “an often cloudy sky will cover Bordj Badji Mokhtar towards the central Sahara and the North Sahara, with isolated stormy developments from the afternoon which could locally cause few rains. “A clear to partially cloudy sky will mark the other regions of the South, with a stormy tendency from the evening towards the South-West, in particular towards the Western part of the zone”, further specified Algeria Weather.

Weather point: the temperatures for this Wednesday, April 19

In addition, the services of the ONM communicated the maximum temperatures forecast today, indicating that they will oscillate between 21 and 24 ° C on the coastal regions, with 21 ° C in Tenes, Jijel and Tipaza, 23 °C in Tlemcen and 25°C in El Tarf.

According to the same source, the maximum temperatures will reach between 22 and 32°C in the interior regions of the country, where the mercury will show 25°C in Sétif, 27°C in Bouira, 28°C in Saida and Batna and 30 °C in Mascara. It should also be noted that the temperature will be around between 31 and 40°C in the Saharan regions, with 33°C in Biskra, 34°C in El Oued and 37°C in Ghardaia.

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