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Algeria weather: the forecast for this Friday, April 7

For this Friday April 7, 2023, rains, sometimes in the form of stormy showers, with gusts of wind under thunderstorms, will affect tomorrow, Friday April 6, 2023, several wilayas in the south of the country, indicates a special weather report (BMS) issued Thursday by the National Office of Meteorology (ONM).

This orange level BMS will concern the wilayas of Timimoun, El Menéa, the South of El Bayadh and Ghardaïa where the amounts of rain are estimated between 15 and 25 mm during the validity of the BMS, from Friday at 00:00 to 12:00.

Are also concerned by this BMS, the wilayas of Touggourt, El Oued and the North of Ouargla with quantities of rains are estimated between 15 and 25 mm, Friday from 06:00 to 18:00.

What are the forecasts for this Friday?

For this Friday’s forecast, for the northern regions, the sky will generally be clear.

While for the Saharan regions, over the northern Sahara and the oases, we will note a cloudy to cloudy sky with sometimes stormy rains that can be quite marked locally, easing over the northern Sahara at the end of the afternoon, then the oases at the end of the evening.

While in the extreme south towards Hoggar/tassili and the eastern Sahara the sky will often be hazy to locally cloudy with some rain over the eastern Sahara from the afternoon.

Finally, over the other regions, the sky will be clear to partially cloudy.

To conclude, the same source announces that the average temperatures will therefore oscillate between 22 and 31°C in the coastal regions; between 24 and 30°C in the interior regions of the country and between 29 and 37°C in the Saharan regions, for this Friday, March 31, 2023.

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