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Algiers – Paris: “Algeria will never renounce the memory file”, Tebboune

According to the President of the Republic, Abdelmadjid Tebboune, Algeria will never renounce the memory file and will not bargain with any country on this issue.

The President of the Republic supported on the subject of the memory file: “We are advancing today step by step in this file, and they know full well that this is a question which we will never give up”, and this during his periodic interview with representatives of the national media, on the occasion of the commemoration of World Press Freedom Day, broadcast on Saturday on national television and radio channels.

Concerning the treatment of this file by Algeria and France, the Head of State indicated that “there was a clash in the past, but today we have become receptive to the idea of ​​examining the important events that marked our memory during the colonial era”.

READ ALSO: Tebboune: “we have no journalists in prison”

Tebboune returns to the creation of the mixed commission of Algerian and French historians

Recalling, in this regard, the creation of a joint commission made up of historians from the two countries, which began its work recently, expressing the wish to see “a sufficient agreement” between the two parties to achieve “tangible results” on this subject.

In the same context, the President of the Republic underlined the importance of including, in the school textbooks of the two countries, the history of the popular resistance against the French occupier and the stages that followed it.

READ ALSO: Algeria – France: Tebboune will travel to Paris next June

To conclude, the President of the Republic, Abdelmadjid Tebboune noted the need to deepen the writing of the history of the struggle of the Algerian people, a struggle that lasted more than 132 years, considering that “whoever does not know the history of his country and does not glorify its martyrs, cannot go far”.

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