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Algiers: the police bring down an “influencer”

After scams and scams, place to drug trafficking. The new generation of stars of the Algerian net finds itself each time involved in “shady” affairs.

For some influencers, Instagrammers or “miss” and “mister”, everything seems good to make money. Today, we are not going to tell you about an Instagram scam, but about a drug trafficking case.

The worst thing about these cases is that these “pseudo influencers and influencers” followed. On social networks by hundreds of thousands of young Algerians, many of whom are minors. A situation that calls for sounding the alarm.

Who is this influencer arrested in Algiers?

Unsurprisingly, we are talking about Instagrammer Wahida Guerroudj. Considered Miss Heritage Africa 2019 and an expert in modeling, the young influencer is involved in a drug trafficking case.

Worse still, on her Instagram account, she has more than 700,000 subscribers. A figure and a case that should push Algerian Internet users to think twice before clicking on “subscribe”.

What is this drug deal? In summary, the young Instagrammer Wahida Guerroudj is currently in prison. She was arrested earlier this week by the security services of the wilaya of Algiers. And this, following a raid on his home.

During the search of the young influencer’s house, the Algiers security services discovered a large quantity of cocaine-type drugs in her home. Large sums of cash were also discovered and seized.

Arrested by the security services, Wahida Guerroudj was then transferred to the premises of the investigators where she was heard by the specialists. She was then presented, in direct appearance, to the judge who ordered her placement in pre-trial detention.

The young influencer is not the only accused in this drug trafficking case. Her husband, who keeps appearing on Wahida Guerroudj’s social networks, is currently on the run. Research has been launched by the services concerned.

As a reminder, a member of the young Instagrammer’s family had already received a three-year prison sentence for a cocaine trafficking case.

Influence of social media personalities, what danger for children?

With the spread of electronic devices and the internet, our children find themselves with unlimited access to the internet. A danger that unfortunately is often ignored by parents.

On the social networks Tiktok or Instagram, the content put forward by these platforms in Algeria continues to deteriorate. Pseudo influencers are taking more and more ground, thus endangering an entire youth.

In addition to the videos encouraging our young people to dance in front of the camera for a few “likes”, the incitement today goes as far as electronic cigarettes, shisha, but also drugs. We are obviously not talking about the young influencer Wahida Guerroudj who only shared beauty content on her accounts.

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