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All around: This is new at the oldest regatta on the lake

From June 8th to 10th, 2023, the Rund Um will take place again. The largest regatta on Lake Constance starts this year with a new concept.

The Rund Um is not only the largest but also the oldest regatta on Lake Constance. This year it is taking place for the 72nd time. A new concept was developed to make the regatta more attractive again.

The organizing association of the Lindauer Segler-Club (LSC) worked on a revival in 2022 in two groups. The Rund Um is to become more attractive again – both for sailors and for spectators. The DNA of the regatta, as the club calls it, should be preserved.

The highlights of the new Rund Um were discussed in a relaxed atmosphere.

Start time brought forward

The regatta starts much earlier than at 7:30 p.m. At 4 p.m., 4:15 p.m. and 4:30 p.m., first the very fast, then the fast and finally the big field start. The spectacle on the lake will be even greater because the huge starting line with hundreds of boats is even longer.

Blue ribbon, live tracker and board

After the start on Friday, three groups will sail around three blue ribbons on two courses. In groups one and two “the big and fast” sail (Lindau – Romanshorn – Eichhorn – Überlingen – Lindau). “The little ones” sail in the starting group three (Lindau – Romanshorn – Eichhorn – Lindau). The exact class and yardstick classification is available on the registration portal The regatta will end after 26 hours, i.e. on Saturday at 6 p.m. At 8 p.m. there will be the award ceremony and then the regatta party.

A flyer with the highlights of the new regatta.

The home of the organizing association at the Lindau sailing port.

The tracker for each boat is new this year. He shows friends and fans of the crew exactly where each boat is on the lake and how it is doing in the race. The sailors will also be treated to a crew meal for the first time at the Rund Um. You get delicious Maultaschen with potato salad, and there is also a beer when the work is done at the finish line.

Live broadcast of the regatta

The regatta can even be experienced live worldwide this year. With five cameras, there are exciting excerpts in the form of live streams via a dedicated YouTube channel. The stream can be followed on a mobile phone or tablet and, above all, on the large LED wall on the action stage at the Lindau marina.

Fritz Trippolt shared his opinion on the new Rund Um and talked about his experiences.

Sailor beer garden in Lindau

The heart of the events on land is the new sailor beer garden on the LSC club grounds. The yacht harbor becomes a party mile, the forecourt becomes a large yacht beer garden with food trucks for yachtsmen and guests. There is also an event stage with live moderation.

That brings the new Rund Um 2023

The supporting program is particularly colorful this year. Already on Thursday evening there is a party with a live band. There could already be an award ceremony on Friday evening when the first fast cats have crossed the finish line again. The early start times make it possible. This is also a safety issue as there is more daylight when racing. The award ceremony on Saturday can also take place at 8 p.m. This has the advantage that sailors do not have to travel again on Sunday. Then the sailor party with DJ.

That’s what local hero Trippolt says

Fritz Trippolt (66) from Bregenz has been with Rund Um since he was 23 years old. He has already won the regatta four times. VOL.AT wanted to know what the all-round veteran says about the changes. The idea appeals to him. The earlier start times could definitely be an advantage for Trippolt.

Gerd Drexler from the Lindau water police.

International security concept

The safety concept was developed by the Lindau water police. It is to avoid dangerous situations when a spectator boat is in the starting area. “They want the best spot, but they shouldn’t be in the way,” explains Gerd Drexler from the water police. At the regatta there will be a joint operations center with the organizations from Austria, Switzerland and Baden-Württemberg. The lake is divided into sectors. The new trackers on the boats give you an even better view of the situation, says Drexler. The rescue boats can be sent there quickly.

The new Rund Um 2023 will take place from June 8th to 10th. There is still some time until then. One can look forward to the revitalized traditional regatta on Lake Constance.

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