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Alleged Uruguayan drug trafficker says in a video that he is outside Bolivia and attacks a minister

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La Paz, Aug 13 (EFE).- The alleged Uruguayan drug trafficker Sebastián Marset said in a video that he is out of Bolivia and that he is “far away”, called the Minister of Government (Interior), Eduardo del Castillo, a “donkey” and maintained that if he opens his mouth “it gets complicated for them”.

In the video broadcast by local Bolivian media, Marset’s face is seen for a few seconds and then he points to the roof of what appears to be a vehicle so that only his voice can be heard in which he initially defends that his brother Diego’s documents are 100% original both those from Brazil, as well as those from Uruguay and residence in Bolivia.

Bolivian authorities said last week that they managed to identify Marset’s brother after raiding his home and emphasized that he has three identities.

“Mr. Minister, I would like you not to waste time as you do, why don’t you think of it before your press conference to corroborate the information and not look so much like a donkey in your country and the whole world that sees you in the news?” Marset questioned.

The Uruguayan indicated that he is out of Bolivia and that they no longer look for him there.

“I’m also telling you that I left Bolivia a while ago, so don’t look for me there, well if you want, keep looking for me, but I’ll tell you that I’m far away,” he said in the video.

Marset denied that he was part of a “kidnapping” of policemen on the day of his escape and stated that they are looking for him “heaven and earth because he has a lot of information.”

“The truth if I speak, Bolivia’s politics is going to shit, but that doesn’t matter to me, don’t worry, I’m not going to speak, but I urge you to release the innocent people who are on trial,” he said.

In the same way, he defended his family that he is a “worker” and that “there are no people with a criminal record” and that if they are investigating they should know that he has no contact with his relatives.

Marset continued to lash out at Del Castillo and pointed out that he is not going to turn himself in and that he is smarter than the Bolivian Police.

“I tell you that turning myself in is not an option and that the Bolivian Police capture me is not an option either, I am quite intelligent for you, not to say that you are very stupid, it sounds a little better to say that I am more intelligent,” he said.

He added that the whole world knows that the “best raw material that Bolivia produces is coca and that the country’s growth in recent years is the product of money coming in from drug trafficking.”

He added that “he does not underestimate the Police” of Bolivia, but that “they know that if” he opens his “little mouth it will get complicated.”

He clarified that he did not send any threats to journalists from Bolivia or other countries who are investigating his case and asked that they release the people arrested such as soccer players, cooks, taxi drivers who are “hard-working” people since they are incriminating them to “cover up” their escape. and “not having to say that they haven’t arrested anyone.”

This is the second video that Marset broadcasts through social networks, after which he thanked the Bolivian Special Force to Fight Drug Trafficking (Felcn) for notifying him that they were looking for him, a situation that was described as a distraction by the authorities Bolivian.

The Bolivian Police apprehended more than a dozen people within the investigations to find Marset, who has arrest warrants from Europol and Interpol, in addition to being required by the Justice in Brazil, Uruguay and Paraguay and by the anti-drug agency of the United States (DEA).

This case is being targeted by several Bolivian institutions due to the ease with which he managed to establish himself in the country with false identity documents, found and play in a second division soccer team, and manage large amounts of money without raising suspicions. .

The Uruguayan is accused of leading an international criminal drug trafficking network and, according to journalistic sources, he is also related to the murder of Paraguayan prosecutor Marcelo Pecci in May 2022, in Colombia. EFE


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