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Allergies and change of season: symptoms of rhinitis and how to take care of yourself

Mexico City.- According to data from the World Health Organization (WHO), worldwide between 400 and 600 million people have some type of allergy. The general prevalence of allergic diseases is substantially increasing worldwide; some of the factors are the impact of climate change, bad food and the inappropriate use of medicines.

“With regard to the effects of climate change on the health of human beings, the different associations and societies of allergies and respiratory illnesses, as well as the World Meteorological Organization, are permanently promoting a joint initiative to draw attention to the increase in of pollen, which increases the risk of allergic sensitization in susceptible people”, says Infobae the doctor Stella Maris Cuevas (MN 81.701) Otorhinolaryngologist, expert in smell, allergist and former president of the Asociación de Otorrinolaringología de la Ciudad de Buenos Aires (AOCBA)

The increase in temperatures means that the pollination season is delayed with respect to its usual season, the redwoods make their stay in the environment longer and, on the other hand, air contaminants increase the allergenic load by pollen and change the composition of the different allergens.

For this reason, the WHO warns that, by the year 2050, half of the world’s population will suffer from some type of allergy.

What is allergic rhinitis?

“Allergic rhinitis is an immediate hypersensitivity reaction, mediated by an antibody, immunoglobulin E. These antibodies cause the degranulation of a cell of the immune system called mast cell”, added the expert.

At the same time, the mast cells release mediators and precipitate the symptoms of allergic rhinitis, with an early phase reaction that occurs a few minutes after exposure to the allergen, with nasal itching and eyes, snoring in salve and clear nasal secretion from new.

“Later, four or five hours after coming into contact with the allergen, with a peak between the next six and 12 hours, the main symptom is the blockage, that is, nasal obstruction or stuffiness. At this moment, other cells of the immune system appear here: the eosinophils, which perpetuate the inflammatory process and keep it in time”, preció the doctora Cuevas.

So, we can say that allergic rhinitis is an inflammatory process of the mucosa that coats the nasal passages. People with rhinitis need a genetic load (predisposition) that compromises their immune system. This overreacts to the arrival of allergens.

The pollens of the trees that trigger the appearance of the symptoms at this time of the year, in addition to other manifestations such as the incord, the irascibility and the bad mood, with the consequent alteration in the quality of life.

“Quienes más suffer these allergic crises are the people who have rhinosinusitis with inflammatory affectation of the mucosa of the nasal passages and paranasal sinuses, many of them with polyps. This group of people suelen have nasal respiratory insufficiency due to lack of permeability, headache, severe hyposmia, retronasal snot, itchiness and itchiness”, detailed doctora Cuevas.

In addition, allergic people are very vulnerable to frequently suffering viral processes, which will also affect their quality of life.

Treatment of allergic rhinitis

Currently, the therapeutic gap is huge, the best treatment available includes:

– Second generation antihistamines: these drugs inhibit the release of histamine and do not cross the blood-brain barrier; por ende, no causan sueño.

– Antileukotrienes: inhibit the release of inflammatory mediators.

– Hypertonic saline solution: improves the functioning of the nasal mucosa, especially the movement of the eyelashes that help to drag the mucus, helping to clean the rhinopharyngeal mucosa.

– Topical corticoids: for local application, they are potent anti-inflammatories.

If you can use vaseline next to the tears, then the pollen will stick and will not enter your eyes. It is also recommended the use of glasses or glasses and a beard, to prevent pollen from entering the nasal cavity and throat.

We must not underestimate any symptom, nor consider this illness as a minor problem, we must avoid minimizing this pathology, given that it seriously affects the quality of life.

People who already know they are allergic are anticipating and trying to prevent these symptoms, and consulting a specialist in advance. As always, it is recommended not to self-medicate. (With information taken from Infobae)

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