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Allergy to pollens: three quarters of the departments of metropolitan France placed on red alert

The flowering of the trees and the circulation of pollen were favored by a warm and mild climate at the start of the year.

Red alert for allergy sufferers. In the latest update of its pollen allergy risk map dated February 21, the National Aerobiology Surveillance Network (RNSA) placed three quarters of the departments of metropolitan France in red, a color which corresponds to a risk ” high” pollen circulation.

Only an area of ​​the territory going from Brittany to the Center Val de Loire, which also includes some departments of New Aquitaine, seems preserved and remains in yellow (medium risk).

The pollen allergy risk map, February 21, 2023 © BFMTV

Contacted by, the RNSA stresses that this alert is “normal” at this time of year.

“In February, the flowering of several families, including the taxaceae cupressaceae, begins around the Mediterranean. For the rest it depends on the weather, but as we have had sunshine and mild temperatures in recent days, the alders and the hazel trees have also flourished in the East and the North. These are the most allergenic families,” says Samuel Monnier, network communications officer.

According to the RNSA, which has 80 pollen sensors throughout the territory, this risk of circulation is divided into four families: taxaceae cupressaceae around the Mediterranean, ash trees in Aude and Pyrénées-Orientales, hazel in five departments and especially alder, in a large northern and eastern part of the country.

An evolution according to the weather

For the days to come, Samuel Monnier indicates that the evolution “will depend on the weather.”

“The flowering will continue, but the pollens will no longer be in the air if it starts to rain, they will be pressed to the ground and this will give a little respite to allergy sufferers,” he says.

The circulation of pollen has been greatly favored by extremely dry weather for a month. Météo France said on Wednesday that mainland France had no real rain for 32 days, the longest meteorological drought ever recorded. However, some rain is forecast for Wednesday.

An aggravating factor also comes into play: pollution. “The pollution and pollen cocktail is not good, and weakens the respiratory tract”, he adds, while several regions have been affected by a fine particle alert in recent days.

Actions to take

As the RNSA further indicates, there are steps to take to reduce the impact of pollen. At home, it is recommended to rinse your hair at the end of the day and to air it about ten minutes before or after sunrise or sunset.

It is also recommended to limit tobacco consumption and avoid the use of irritating or allergenic products (home fragrances, incense, etc.).

Outside, it is advisable to keep the windows closed in the car, not to dry your clothes in the open air, or to avoid activities that avoid overexposure to pollen, such as lawn mowing or sports activities.

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