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Almost 50% of eCommerce companies are looking for staff

The sector grew 87% in 2022 and, in addition to hiring personnel, it is investing in greater professionalization through training

By iProfessional

03/04/2023 – 13,33hs

According to the latest Talent Report from the eCommerce industry in Argentina, prepared by the Argentine Chamber of Electronic Commerce (CACE) together with Grupo Suessa – Learning & Consulting Division present, this sector growth 87% in 2022.

Likewise, 54% of the companies surveyed reported having increased their eCommerce endowment that year. “The objective of this survey is to offer companies information that allows them to make strategic decisions to manage culture and attract, retain, develop and promote talent in the digital ecosystem,” said Evangelina Perri, Director of Education and Content at CACE.

CACE carried out the survey of 145 partner companies from various sectors, trajectories and structures. In order to expand the research from a qualitative approach, in this edition there were also two focus groups with the participation of 15 companies. Among the participating items, the following prevailed: Home appliances; Dress; Food and drinks; and Cleaning Supplies.

Employment in eCommerce in Argentina

According to the report, 49% of the companies surveyed reported some type of vacancy while 80% of the organizations hired staff for the digital channel in the last 12 months.

For her part, the staff turnover It remains in values ​​similar to 2021since the average time of the employment relationship is greater than two years in 46% of the companies surveyed.

These figures somehow reflect the need for companies to have talent linked to e-commerce tasks to respond to the constant growth of the sector.

In addition to hiring staff, the e-commerce industry is investing in professionalization

Likewise, in the focus groups there were references to the internal searches as the first strategy to train and attract new talents in the face of the difficulties presented and as a positive strategy to strengthen the sector with resources that already know the company and the product.

In this way, in 81% of the companies there are transfers to the eCommerce sector from other internal areas, while in 49% of the cases, said movements are linked to a development plan and/or professional career.

Regarding the axis linked to training and knowledge development, in this edition the main training modality for employees became formal education, with courses and training in institutions (whether face-to-face or remote), through Unlike the previous edition where networking prevailed (that is, from sharing tasks with teammates, tutors or other professionals).

CACE indicated in this regard: “We can affirm then, that companies are forced to respond to the industry need for greater professionalization.”

The information collected in this new segment allows us to observe phenomena of vertical segregationsince there are male majorities in managerial and managerial positions, while in intermediate and lower positions a certain parity of the occupational hierarchies is reflected.

  • Directors: 51% // Directors: 14%
  • Managers and Bosses: 54% // Managers and Bosses: 37%

Value proposal

What is the value proposition of e-commerce companies in Argentina?

“According to the above and based on the data provided by the report, it is necessary for companies to offer attractive value propositions in order to have collaborators that contribute to the growth of the sector and the optimization of processes,” the entity pointed out.

Among the aspects analyzed, the following stand out:

  • A competitive salary: Although companies do not see it as a critical factor, in graduate interviews it seems to be one of the common denominators.
  • An interesting benefits program that includes aspects such as: remote work, flexible hours, performance recognition programs, among others.
  • Constant training that are part of a development plan
  • possibility of internal mobility

Taking into account the significant differences in the gender variable, “it is important to pay attention to guaranteeing equal conditions, especially when it comes to hierarchical positions.”

In general terms, CACE indicated that the level of satisfaction of eCommerce employees continues to be high, since 73% of the companies place it in the medium-high and high levels.

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