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Alphabet, Google’s parent firm, laid off 12,000 workers

Alphabet, the parent company of Google, announced today that it will lay off more than 12,000 workers around the world. In this way, it became the last technological giant to carry out massive layoffs, which in 2023 alone reached a total of 50,000 jobs lost throughout the sector.

Google is the latest tech giant to announce mass layoffs.

Similar to the statement that Meta shared when laying off 11,000 employees in early November, Sundar Pichai, the CEO of the technology company, accused that “the economic reality in which the world finds itself is different” than it was two years ago when, during the pandemic, Google began to expand with new jobs. For their part, they also added that the objective they have from Alphabet in the future will be the integration of their products to Artificial Intelligence.

This comes just days after Microsoft announced it was laying off 10,000 people from its various teams over the next few months and weeks after Amazon also said 18,000 workers would lose their jobs due to the post-pandemic global economic situation. Thus, Google Add to these companies that, according to studies on the website, add 194,000 jobs lost during 2022, without adding those of alphabet.

Many accuse that the way in which Elon Musk acted served as the first domino piece to worsen the situation of the industry.

The first company to start this domino effect that affected thousands of workers in the technology industry throughout the world was Twitter, which, after Elon Musk’s purchase of the computer giant (for 44 billion dollars), carried out a massive layoff of employees. in all sectors. Several analysts agree that various companies in the sector were planning to cut staff, but it was thanks to the way in which the little bird’s social network fired its workers that they were able to continue with positive publicity.

CEO’s message

In the letter that Pichai sent to his employees, he thanked them for their “hard work”, in addition to indicating that they made “invaluable contributions”. “The transition will not be easy, but we will support employees as they look for a new job opportunity,” Alphabet’s CEO told his employees.

Sundar Pichai was the one who wrote the letter to his employees.

As it was learned, workers who are cut in the United States will receive at least 16 extra weeks of pay, the bonus they were owed for 2022, vacations, and six months of medical coverage. Several technological giants are investigated by the European Union, which began to apply various regulations to prevent tax evasion and misinformation.

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