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Alpine emergency – hikers rescued with a rope

Symbolic picture: police helicopter in the mountains

A hiking group consisting of four people (between 28 and 34 years old) went on a hike from Hirschegg to the Heuberg on Tuesday, January 4th, 2023 at 2.30 p.m.

Once on the ridge, the group planned to cross it in the direction of Mittelberg to the Walmendingerhorn and continue down the Walmendinger Alpe in the direction of Hirschegg.

After a good two-thirds of the way, the group came to an exposed bottleneck and couldn’t get any further. As a result, the hikers made an emergency call. The four people were rescued by the crew of the police helicopter “Libelle” using a rope and flown into the valley. Nobody got hurt.

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