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Altach fire brigade looked back on a busy year

The Altach fire brigade invested a total of 25,794 hours in the safety of the citizens last year
©Michael Mäser

At the annual general meeting, the Altach local fire brigade presented its performance record for 2022.

altach. At the start of the new year, the Altach fire brigade invited to the annual general meeting in the training room of the operations center. Numerous guests, including Mayor Markus Giesinger, Deputy Mayor Susanne Knünz-Head, the municipal councilors Kuno Sandholzer and Herbert Sohm, district representative Markus Süss (state fire brigade association), section fire brigade commander Gerhard Girardi, police post commander Christoph Marte and Thomas Maierhofer from the Red Cross came to to find out about the past year.

Record-breaking year of service

Altach’s fire brigade commander Manuel List was able to give the guests an insight into the past year and also report on a record-breaking year of operation. A total of 19 times had to be called out due to a fire, plus 35 technical calls and four calls due to neighborly assistance. “In addition, there were almost 45 damage areas to be mastered and processed within 24 hours in August as part of the flood event,” the commander also looked back on the major damage event last year.

25,794 hours for public safety

In addition to operations in an emergency, the local fire brigade also attaches great importance to training, so last year almost 3,000 hours were invested in training at the fire brigade training center in Feldkirch or in the Altach operations center. In addition, it is important to maintain the vehicle fleet and the material, as well as to carry out event services and administrative work. This means that a total of 25,794 hours were invested in the safety of citizens last year – that is 227 percent more than in 2021.

Young people are very important

The Altach fire brigade has been serving the safety of the population for more than 120 years and currently has a team of 102 people (73 active, 18 youth fire brigade, 11 honorary members). The young people in Altach are also very important and so the Altach youth fire brigade spent 4,641 hours on training and various operations last year.

honoring deserving members

As part of this year’s annual general meeting, there were also two honors for long-standing and deserving members on the program. Thomas Hoch was honored for his 25-year membership, Alfred Hartmann was honored for 40 years with the Altach local fire brigade. MIMA

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